Thursday, February 23, 2017

My Recommendation for The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

I am recommending my favorite TV show called The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air that I have been watching for a long time and still cannot seem to get tired of. The film was created by Andy and Susan Borowitz but it was mostly directed by Shelley Jensen among some others that had helped her. The show is mainly based around the actual main actor Will Smith but the other main actors in the show are James Avery, Alfonso Ribeiro, Tatyana Ali, Karyn Parsons, Joseph Marcell, and Daphne Reid. I am recommending this TV show because for one it never fails to make me laugh. Every episode I have seen of The Fresh Prince has always ended up with me dying from laughter. Also Will Smith just happens to be my favorite actor of all time. I've basically seen all of his TV shows and his movies. Will Smith is my favorite actor because he cracks me up every time I watch one of his shows or movies. Also this TV show isn't just about making people laugh and fun and games. At times the show creates a type of problem that they want to express about the importance of the right thing that you should do. It's kind of like a life lesson that they are trying to teach you if you come to that type of situation in your life and how you should respond to it or handle it. You should trust my recommendation of the TV show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air because I believe it's one of the best shows of all time. Also I can almost guarantee that you will laugh while watching the show and if you don't laugh while you watch it then you probably have no sense of humor or hatred for some of the actors playing in the show.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

First Exam

I feel as if the first exam went okay I guess. I’m not real sure how I did until we receive our test scores and that won’t be until next week probably. I can’t say that I met my expectations because I don’t know exactly how I did yet but I think that I did okay for my first exam. My expectations for the exam was to at least just be able to pass the test. Not only just pass but pass with a grade that I can be proud of and good enough to keep the grade that I have now up. I wish that there were just a few multiple choice questions. I also know your thoughts on multiple choice questions about how they are too easy and that’s fine with me because it makes you think more and actually learn what you need to. So actually I don’t think that I will change anything after all because by not doing multiple choice I have to actually learn the material and use it. I prepared for this test by completing my review and going over it a couple of times and by looking back into my journal to read some examples I had written down in class before. I also read some of the material we went over in class the other days in our books. The part that was probably the most successful in helping me remember all the notes was completing my review. While I was completing the review it helped me remember the things I was writing down kind of better in a way. Not only was I going over them but while I was writing the notes down and I kind of took them in a different way other than just reading them from my journal.  

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Response to Mr. Rollins

Dear, Mr. Rollins

First off I'd just like to congratulate you on your impressive history being a musician, actor, writer, TV host and radio host, and also a comedian. What brought the most attention to me was how you survived the assault conflict that had happened as you were a teenager and how you overcame everything to be the successful person you are today. Anyways, I agree with you in what you said in your video “just because you come from nothing you must not let that be something that holds you back”. I agree with this because anyone can accomplish anything regardless of where they are from or how they grew up. It’s all about the mindset other people have that pushes them to work harder than most people. Some don’t have to work for very much because they may have grown into it as in inherit a family business and automatically have their dreams turned into a reality. As you also said in your video “some people can get all the way through high school and never understand where a dollar comes from because they just get them given to them". I’m not saying I disagree with how they were raised or how they got to become successful. I also agree with how that works also because the hard work had to come from someone so either way the hard work was there. I just feel as if parents shouldn’t spoil their children as much as they should rather make them work for it and understand the meaning of money and also understand how to work for things rather than just being handed everything without knowing the importance. Also another point you made in your video was “you can’t really spend a whole lot of time worrying about his. You really have to go for your own”. I like what you said here because it is very true and it does sound a little selfish but sometimes you have to just worry about what is best for you. You can’t worry about how other people got there. You must find a way to get there yourself and make the most out of what you are doing.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Introducing Myself

My name is Nicholas Urquhart and I am eighteen years old. I am from a small town called Anderson-Shiro where I graduated from a 2A high school. If you aren’t sure where Anderson-Shrio is, it is about thirty minutes away from College Station and about ten minutes away from Navasota. Some of my hobbies include partying and playing basketball. I enjoy these things because I like to have a good time and basketball has been my favorite sport since I was younger. I’m not exactly sure where I want to go in life yet but I do know that I want to be making a lot of money in whatever I choose to do. I also plan on getting a degree in Business and hopefully find a job where I can use my skills that I have been taught to do. I plan on completing this by finishing my semesters here at Blinn then soon transferring to a University where I can further my knowledge in my major at a bigger College. I hope that all of my family and friends are there to watch me walk across the stage as I am getting my diploma. After I graduate College I hope to find a stable and good paying job where I can buy a nice big house and support the family I would like to have by then. I would also like to have a job that I truly enjoy and not just work because it makes me a good amount of money. I still have awhile before I have to worry about all that though. For right now I just want to enjoy the things I won’t get to do as much when I finally grow up and get out of College and then work the rest of my life.