Thursday, February 2, 2017

Introducing Myself

My name is Nicholas Urquhart and I am eighteen years old. I am from a small town called Anderson-Shiro where I graduated from a 2A high school. If you aren’t sure where Anderson-Shrio is, it is about thirty minutes away from College Station and about ten minutes away from Navasota. Some of my hobbies include partying and playing basketball. I enjoy these things because I like to have a good time and basketball has been my favorite sport since I was younger. I’m not exactly sure where I want to go in life yet but I do know that I want to be making a lot of money in whatever I choose to do. I also plan on getting a degree in Business and hopefully find a job where I can use my skills that I have been taught to do. I plan on completing this by finishing my semesters here at Blinn then soon transferring to a University where I can further my knowledge in my major at a bigger College. I hope that all of my family and friends are there to watch me walk across the stage as I am getting my diploma. After I graduate College I hope to find a stable and good paying job where I can buy a nice big house and support the family I would like to have by then. I would also like to have a job that I truly enjoy and not just work because it makes me a good amount of money. I still have awhile before I have to worry about all that though. For right now I just want to enjoy the things I won’t get to do as much when I finally grow up and get out of College and then work the rest of my life.

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