Thursday, February 16, 2017

First Exam

I feel as if the first exam went okay I guess. I’m not real sure how I did until we receive our test scores and that won’t be until next week probably. I can’t say that I met my expectations because I don’t know exactly how I did yet but I think that I did okay for my first exam. My expectations for the exam was to at least just be able to pass the test. Not only just pass but pass with a grade that I can be proud of and good enough to keep the grade that I have now up. I wish that there were just a few multiple choice questions. I also know your thoughts on multiple choice questions about how they are too easy and that’s fine with me because it makes you think more and actually learn what you need to. So actually I don’t think that I will change anything after all because by not doing multiple choice I have to actually learn the material and use it. I prepared for this test by completing my review and going over it a couple of times and by looking back into my journal to read some examples I had written down in class before. I also read some of the material we went over in class the other days in our books. The part that was probably the most successful in helping me remember all the notes was completing my review. While I was completing the review it helped me remember the things I was writing down kind of better in a way. Not only was I going over them but while I was writing the notes down and I kind of took them in a different way other than just reading them from my journal.  


  1. "So actually I don’t think that I will change anything after all because by not doing multiple choice I have to actually learn the material and use it." -- You just made my day, Mr. Urquhart. Thank you, sir!
