Thursday, February 9, 2017

Response to Mr. Rollins

Dear, Mr. Rollins

First off I'd just like to congratulate you on your impressive history being a musician, actor, writer, TV host and radio host, and also a comedian. What brought the most attention to me was how you survived the assault conflict that had happened as you were a teenager and how you overcame everything to be the successful person you are today. Anyways, I agree with you in what you said in your video “just because you come from nothing you must not let that be something that holds you back”. I agree with this because anyone can accomplish anything regardless of where they are from or how they grew up. It’s all about the mindset other people have that pushes them to work harder than most people. Some don’t have to work for very much because they may have grown into it as in inherit a family business and automatically have their dreams turned into a reality. As you also said in your video “some people can get all the way through high school and never understand where a dollar comes from because they just get them given to them". I’m not saying I disagree with how they were raised or how they got to become successful. I also agree with how that works also because the hard work had to come from someone so either way the hard work was there. I just feel as if parents shouldn’t spoil their children as much as they should rather make them work for it and understand the meaning of money and also understand how to work for things rather than just being handed everything without knowing the importance. Also another point you made in your video was “you can’t really spend a whole lot of time worrying about his. You really have to go for your own”. I like what you said here because it is very true and it does sound a little selfish but sometimes you have to just worry about what is best for you. You can’t worry about how other people got there. You must find a way to get there yourself and make the most out of what you are doing.

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